The High Cost of Meetings
In part one of this valuable topic we have learned the importance having an organized chairperson or meeting leader, staying on course with an agenda allotting time to specific items, and collaboratio…
Acting as if…
What you say you want means nothing if you are not willing to pay the price to obtain it …
Put Leadership Before Management
“Begin with the end in mind,” is Dr. Steven Covey’s Habit #2 in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. This ‘habit’ teaches us the value of having a clear picture of the end of our life, and the roles we have filled in our family, our career or profession, our friendships and […]
Feed me Feedback – Summer 2008
Arriving in several ways, feedback enters our world by words spoken, the behavior of others, opportunities, internal messages from our mind, the performance of our bodies, data, and so on. R…
Optimistic about Gas Prices – Better than ever?
With the rising price of oil, conversations are prevalent about the negative impact on so many aspects of our routines hinging on the consumption of fuel – commuting to work, summer travel, recreational vehicles, the trickledown effect to the higher food prices and more. Too much time is spent thinking and talking about things that […]
The Have-Do-Be Flu
This is the misunderstanding that we first need to have something before we can produce results or achieve our goals…
Proactivity vs Reactivity
To be proactive means that, as human beings, we are responsible for our own lives…
The Cheerleader Who Won’t Shake her Pom Pom – Spring 2008
Problem employees are lurking in most workplaces. You can be sure they’re costing a tremendous amount in low morale, lost patients, decreased productivity, and poor employee retention. Read the Artic…
Feed me Feedback
Asking for feedback takes initiative and courage. To ask for feedback, try…
Seek First To Understand
When someone is talking are you just hearing or are you really listening?