Managing Public Criticism

image of a male boss pointing his finger at one of two female co-workers giving her public criticism

Public criticism won’t help to create a space where your team feels free to speak up in times of conflict with others. Discretion is key.

Conflict Resolution is an Inside Job

image of a circle of neutral coloured wooden people with a red and a green coloured wooden people in the centre to represent conflict resolution

There are many reasons why I understand conflict resolution to be an ‘inside job.’ The biggest and deepest reason is one’s past. We all have past experiences of conflict, and many of them are unresolved, meaning that we are not completely over the issue, and we’re carrying around a story about it.

Engagement Across the Generations

Engaging All Generations with Penny Tremblay

Having five generations of employees working side-by-side is unprecedented so we need to find creative ways to increase engagement.