Step 6 to PLAY NICE is I – Include Everyone
Diversity and inclusion is a hot topic these days. Step 6 in the Road Map through Workplace Conflict to Collaboration is to Include Everyone.
Happy Father’s Day – Un-snag Your Conflict
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there, Getting snagged then un-snagged when you’re fishing is a lot like resolving conflict.
Forgive and Be Rich – A Legacy
As a gesture of truth and reconciliation, please read this excerpt from Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance on how to forgive.
Step 5 to PLAY NICE is N – Nurture Relationships
It’s easy (and important) to nurture relationships when things are going well, but what about when they’re not?
Step 4 to PLAY NICE is Y – Your Why
You’ll know you need to tap into your WHY power when you feel discomfort. Learn how to find Your WHY and how it will help resolve conflict.
Step 3 to PLAY NICE is A – Actively Listen
When people come together to have difficult conversations, they need to learn how to Actively Listen…it really is an art form.
Step 2 to PLAY NICE is L – Lighten Your Load
To Lighten Your Load means to be aware of what you’re packing around, but often we have to look inward to find out what’s in our suitcase.
Position Yourself is Step #1 to PLAY NICE
Personal leadership is foundational to professional development and the first step in the Roadmap is to Position Yourself.
Roadmap Through Workplace Conflict
People avoid conflict because it’s uncomfortable. I’ve developed a roadmap to walk you through conflict to collaboration step by step.
What does it mean that conflict resolution is an inside job?
The greatest opportunity to resolve conflict is an inside job, meaning it’s your responsibility to work on how conflict affects you.