Leadership tips

Workplace Stress and Current Conflict

Penny Tremblay Workplace Conflict in COVID Survey

The highest increase of conflict since COVID is hiding in circumstances surrounding workload, workspace and family members. Workplace stress is coming from trying to settle into new habits consistently interrupted by change.  

Workplace stress tops the scale of troubles indicated in our research, followed by isolation, time management / work-life balance, lack of communication and feeling excluded. It’s not only internal conflict that workers are managing.  Fifty-four percent of those surveyed indicated that their customers were more difficult to deal with, adding to stress levels that reach beyond the organization’ control. 

Huge Red Flag … Employee workload and stress issues are not recognized by managers.

With some data gymnastics (thanks to CFO Trent Theroux and Mathematical Genius Josh Armstrong) separating the employee from manager responses, we recognized that conflict regarding workload and resources were popular with employees, yet unknown to managers.   

Although employees claim to have little conflict with their managers and colleagues, there is a storm brewing and not communicated through the chain of command, relating to employee work/life balance issues and burnout.  

Our research report contains ten recommendations for reducing conflict in your workplace.

Book a discovery call today at www.PennyTremblay.com to discuss in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four step Sandbox System™.   

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