Leadership tips

Roadmap Through Workplace Conflict

relationship roadmap with Penny Tremblay

There is only one way through conflict and that’s through it; not around it, over it or under it. People think that Playing Nice in the Sandbox is all fun and games, but often there’s a sandstorm, and someone’s gotta be king or queen of the castle and take action before the dust will settle. 

Most people avoid conflict because it has an awkwardness or discomfort about it.  Even the word itself sounds like ‘combat’, but the truth is that healthy teams and partnerships embrace conflict because it makes them stronger. 

I’ve developed a roadmap to walk you through conflict to collaboration step by step. 

Although every conflict is unique, and those involved are serving different roles of co-workers, colleagues or managers, these steps will guide you to understand and stay the course and move through conflict so you can emerge on the other side of it, knowing that you tried your best. 

We were in a worker shortage before the pandemic, now we’re in trying to find our grounding on an ever-changing workplace landscape, and that puts a strain on resources and relationships; both of which have to be re-imagined and re-invented.   

Some things we know for sure are that good people are worth investing in and that people don’t often quit jobs…they quit managers or toxic teams for something healthier.   

Workplace conflict costs corporate North America more than 359 billion dollars each year, and the stress from mismanaged relationships is not only the number one reason for mental health issues resulting in lost time from work, but it’s also paralyzing us. 

Well, have no fear, my roadmap is here, with 8 steps to help you PLAY NICE when the going gets tough.  Download it today, and share this page with your colleagues. Watch for a short weekly video walking you through each step. Before you know it, you’ll master this playful approach to conflict resolution from the inside out. 

If you can’t find you way call Penny Tremblay, because the high cost of workplace conflict is avoidable and suffering is optional.

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