Leadership tips

What Do You Expect?

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

What Do You See Happening?

My dad always told my mom and his closest friends that I could fall into a bucket of dirt (he used a different word) and come out smelling like a rose. That’s an old expression that depicts how some people can make the best of any situation, and you can, too.
It all starts in your mind. What do you expect to happen in your life? Do you expect that life isn’t fair? Or that people will try to rip you off? Or that life is a struggle? Or that money doesn’t grow on trees? Or that rich people are evil? Or that you aren’t very smart? Do you think you’re just an average person, secretary, civil servant, waitress, stay-at-home mom, teenager, or senior citizen? (Note: J.K. Rowling, author of the bestselling Harry Potter books, was a single mother on welfare before she wrote her first book.)
These negative expectations of ourselves are called “limiting beliefs.” If you believe you aren’t worthy, smart enough, or deserving of life’s riches, you limit yourself with your belief system. Sure, you may have been taught these beliefs from someone else or some experience in your life, but who’s in charge? You are! You’re responsible or response-able—able to choose your response to anything—from this point forward in your life.
Setting your expectations means determining what you want in your life.

I expect that “everything works out more perfectly than I could have imagined,” and it always does. Sometimes I have to change my perspective to see the perfection in each circumstance, but knowing I’m able to choose my response gives me power and control over my thoughts and feelings.

What do you expect to happen in your life?

A tool to help you expect and attract what you want to have appear in your life is the Vision Board.  Read about my vision board experience in this months Leadership Tip at www.5.idee.ca/default.aspx?content_id=3284

If you liked this blog post, you will love my new book, Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance.  Pre-order your copy today with the black link box on the right side of this page.

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