Leadership tips

We MUST Praise

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

The Gallup Organization identifies regular recognition and praise as a key element of employee satisfaction. Frequent acknowledgment can be as simple as daily genuine expressions of appreciation that reinforce and reward positive behavior; perhaps a hand written note or card, a small token or incentive, or verbal acclaim.

On a personal note, having just lost my father, I find my family spending time speaking in praise, recognition and acknowledgment of him, his life of service, his values and so many inspiring stories that we never made such a big deal about while he was with us.

If praise is such a key element in personal interaction, then why don’t we make it a regular part of our life both in the organization and at home?

We must honour and appreciate the people who make a difference in our lives. Here are two acronyms that represent MUST PRAISE. They will help you remember the four elements of effective recognition, and the benefits of praise.

Meaningful: Recognition that has meaning to the individual satisfies their own personality style. If they are very reserved or introverted, a big hoopla party may not appeal to them. Seek to understand the behavior style of the person that you are commending and try to behave within their comfort zone. 

Understanding: Be sincere with your approach. Don’t use sarcasm. When you are sincere with people, they will be sincere with you.

Specific: ‘A job well done’ is very vague. Congratulate people for specific actions performed, or results that they contributed to and specifically what they did. It will strike an emotional cord with them when you focus on the individual, rather than a task accomplishment.

Timely: For the greatest effect, praise should occur as soon after the event as possible.

Praise & Recognition Always Increases Self Esteem

One of the reasons people leave their employment is due to a lack of appreciation and recognition. Praise is not only the responsibility of our managers. It is everyone’s right of passage, so let’s make it a part of our daily life. Don’t wait until your loved ones are gone to share your admiration of their everyday behaviors that can really be celebrated all of the time.


When was the last time you honoured or appreciated the people who make a difference in your life?

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