Want Creative Solutions That Help Resolve Team Dysfunction in a Negative Workplace?

Creative Solutions That Help Resolve Team Dysfunction with Penny Tremblay

Decades ago, on my way to my office job, I’d pump myself up to have the greatest day ever, but even if the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the day started out great, when I walked in the doorway of that workplace, the energy was so heavy, it felt like I was being sucked through the floor. 

People who were supposed to be in on time weren’t, or they’d called in sick, or would be away on stress leave. I’d go to the coffee station hoping for a cup of inspiration, only to hear gossip and negativity. Back at my desk, I’d put out a few new fires, (mostly conflicts between staff or managers) and I’d wish that people would just show up and do the jobs they’d signed up for — the jobs they were being paid for. 

Witnessing and feeling the effects of disconnected relationships and unresolved conflicts, I wanted to go home, and it was only 9:15 am! Can you relate to this? Do you need to resolve team dysfunction?  

Are you working in a negative workplace?  

Are you a person who wants to feel joy, play hard, and make an impact, but your workplace sandbox is a toxic environment that’s sucking the life out of you and not healthy for you to play in?  

Do you sometimes wish that people would just get their “shift” together and PLAY NICE?  

In the years since experiencing this toxic workplace, I’ve been digging into conflict resolution, mediation, and workplace restorations. I now understand solutions for workplace conflict, team dysfunction, lack of productivity, lack of team engagement, lack of retention, and how to reduce stress from mismanaged relationships.

It‘s my mission to write, speak, and teach people how to Play Nice in the “Workplace Sandbox”, and when they don’t, I help them fix broken relationships.  

Want to resolve team dysfunction in your workplace?

If your team is not functioning like a well-oiled machine, you’re amongst the majority.  The pandemic has wreaked havoc on team function.  Let our collaborative process can help you dig in and rebuild. 

Chat with us on our website, or book a discovery call.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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