Leadership tips

Training – Survey says..

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

In a recent survey to my network of training customers (employers) and participants (employees), I asked some interesting questions about what people want in training program content, delivery method and time frames, as well as effectiveness and return on investment.

I have outlined the summary of responses to share with you. The top three answers, in order of preference are listed below.

Topics – most wanted are:

  1. Team Building
  2. Time Management
  3. Effective Communication Strategies

Registration / Participation’s is most subject to:

  1. Learning objectives
  2. Location
  3. Cost

Most Effective Delivery Method

  1. Workshops
  2. Classroom
  3. Computer, web based, video, webinars

Best time frame for sessions

  1. Half day
  2. Full day
  3. Power breakfasts

Coaching – 53.8 % of respondents have used coaching – one on one training to suit specific needs.

Return on Training Investment – 91.6 % of respondents believe that seminar / workshop style training has a lasting effect.

Training brings your team together to learn new ideas, and can bring a very positive influence to the front of all minds. This is an important economy for training sessions. They can be short, productive and very profitable for those to take the opportunity.
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