STEP 2 - Leadership Training


Leadership Training

Winning in the NEW Workplace Sandbox benefits everyone. Build capacity for productivity with Sandbox Training for your entire team.

Skills to maintain great relationships aren’t taught in technical training programs. Team members don’t often possess the capacity or training to lead themselves or others through conflict, resulting in stress, paid leaves, high turnover rates, as well as litigation and investigation costs.

Step two of the Sandbox System™ educates teams with a PLAY NICE toolbox to take responsibility for their personal and professional development and develop habitual, collaborative workplace relationship behaviors.  Playing nice doesn’t always mean being nice.  Assertive and confrontational skills, delivered with empathy and understanding will help your leaders co-create a culture of candor as a foundation upon which productivity prospers.

Sandbox Training Programs

Playful Conflict Resolution Programs
*offered live in-person or virtual

Leadership Training

Winning in the NEW Workplace Sandbox – download the document, The Sandbox System Trainingpromotional sheet.

PLAY NICE, winning in the
new workplace sandbox

The entire team will benefit from this eight step playful approach to the prohibitive problem of team conflict. 

Inspire participants to:

  • Lead themselves by taking responsibility for their career success
  • Understand conflict resolution, performance and productivity from the inside out
  • Lead others with best practices for respectful communication and positive influence

managing in the new workplace
sandbox - Relationships and
Conflict Management

Workplace conflict left unresolved festers, has a huge cost and is avoidable.

When leaders have the skills to prevent problematic interactions, delegate, coach and provide feedback along the way, staff thrive.

When issues arise and are confronted promptly teams become more engaged and productive.

For Managers, Supervisors and the Entire Leadership Team, this program provides tools to build trust and engagement to influence people to want to perform well.

Manage Relationships for High Performance:

  • Provide feedback, coach employees, delegate effectively and build relationships of trust
  • Manage Conflict for Peace, Productivity and Profit
  • Confront, resolve or mediate issues as they arise within the team, and follow through on commitments made

PLAY NICE for Mental Health and Wellness

A Playful Approach to Resilience, Health and Wellness

Resilience is not something that we prepare for. It is developed from the adversities of which we need to overcome. These eight strategies will assist participants with the psychological resilience to cope with crisis mentally and emotionally by learning mental processes and behaviours that promote personal assets and protect oneself from potential negative effects of past, present or future stressors and conflict.

Workplace Mediation &
Restoration Training

How Professionals Navigate Conflict, Mediate and Restore Peace at Work

Most professional weren’t taught how to talk about conflict, disagree or even negotiate their way of working through conflict.

When staff embrace conflict as opportunity for change and growth, accept friction as part of their learning journey and use the tools learned in Navigating Conflict and Mediation and Workplace Restoration Techniques, an entire culture can shift, and so can the personal lives of everyone involved.

Training Grants

The Sandbox System is your guide to a stronger, more peaceful and productive workplace – rich in resources and tools to promote accountability and create behaviors that resolve conflict. With the Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG), businesses can save 83% on training costs!

The federal government has partnered with the province to offer the COJG for employment-related training. If your organization is based in Ontario, it can qualify for up to $10,000 per year, per employee, to help offset most of your investment in professional development.

If your organization has less than 50 employees, its investment could be just 17% of the total cost of training. For organizations over 50 employees, the investment is a maximum of one-third the total cost. The government pays the rest. 

Start your journey toward peaceful productive and profitable relationships today.

Three easy steps.



Select in person or live online delivery*


Enjoy more peace, productivity, and profit.


The Sandbox System™

Our four-step process resolves conflict first, then builds leadership capacity with training for the entire team, followed by a facilitated inclusive planning strategy for profit, with action and accountability to drive consistent results.





Book a call with Penny and discover how

As a Workplace Relationships Expert with over 20 year’s experience training internationally and across all sectors, Penny provides an experiential learning opportunity which inspires both personal and professional development. Her unique approach and captivating style is authentic, passionate, interactive, and at times … hilarious. Tap into her red-hot relevant information about the key to success in the NEW Workplace Sandbox – Strong Relationships. When all is said and done, more will be DONE with this interactive, fun and engaging system. Advance your team’s strategy toward effective communication and harmonious workplace relationships, creating a positive corporate culture and long term loyalty.

Listen, Read & Watch Penny tremblay