Leadership tips

Tip #1 / 10 – Train Managers to Listen

image of manager having a caring conversation with employee to listen

Tip #1 – Train Managers To Restore Workplace Conflict to Peace and Productivity Post Pandemic

In working with team conflict during 2021, I’ve experienced unprecedented levels of stress and burnout amongst employees. The opportunity to listen to employees has never been so important. Train managers accordingly.

Listening with the intention to understand is never a waste of time. 

Train managers to have caring conversations with their team members to clarify how employees are really doing with work and personal demands. In order to manage performance effectively, an understanding of the larger picture can help extend appropriate support.

All ten recommendations can be found in our research report about the Effects of COVID on Workplace Conflict or in this video for HR Managers.

If you need help, contact us for a discovery call because the high cost of conflict and employee turnover can be avoided, and profits can be used for better things. 

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