Tip #8 – Connect face-to-face. As often as possible, meet in-person or virtually.
Connect face-to-face. As often as possible, meet in-person or virtually with video to help people connect better than just reading messages or hearing conversation.
The more technologically connected we are as a society, the more disconnected we are becoming as a human race. Face-to-face communication brings many elements of communication that we don’t get from reading text. Email, text messages, social media and other forms of digital media are not suitable for sensitive conversations.
Most people agree with that, but the challenge lies in choosing the less comfortable way of getting a message across (in-person face-to-face) rather than hiding behind a keyboard. Sounds simple, but it’s not easy — especially for the younger generations who have grown up with digital devices as a means of connecting with people.
All ten recommendations can be found in our research report about the Effects of COVID on Workplace Conflict or in this video for HR Managers.
If you need help, contact us for a discovery call because the high cost of conflict and employee turnover can be avoided, and profits can be used for better things. We can help you decide your best strategies to deal with workplace conflict!