Leadership tips

Tip #2 / 10 – Support Staff Resilience

Tip #2 – Support Staff Resilience to Restore Workplace Conflict to Peace and Productivity Post Pandemic

Support staff resilience – Workplace stress goes beyond the job with remote workers because attention goes to the highest stress point. Dealing with hardships relating to family, isolation and wellbeing requires energy. Offer support to team members in attractive and confidential ways, assuming that everyone is fighting a tough inner battle whether they’re talking about it or not. 

To support work teams with better resilience, we’ve added a Mental Health and Wellness training program to help them take care of themselves first, so they can serve others from a solid foundation. 

All ten recommendations can be found in our research report about the Effects of COVID on Workplace Conflict or in this video for HR Managers.

If you need help, contact us for a discovery call because the high cost of conflict and employee turnover can be avoided, and profits can be used for better things. 

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