Leadership tips

Tip #10 / 10 – Create Opportunities

create opportunity to strengthen relationsihips image of goldfish jumping from a small lightbulb into a larger one

Tip #10 – Create opportunities for strengthening relationships.

Create opportunities for strengthening interpersonal relationships by making time for team building and socializing despite the distance. What is needed right now is connection. 

A wellness retreat, a team-building session, a workplace restoration … so many options, such little time. What everyone struggles most with right now is having the time to add anything else to their plate, which is usually a good indicator that time for wellness, team building or conflict resolution is more important than anything else. 

When your vehicle is low on gas or battery, you refuel. When your stomach is gurgling with hunger signals, you feed it. Sometimes the best cure for too much to do, is silence, solitude or rejuvenation. The time required to take a healthy break far out weights the time stolen by lack of peace and productivity, let alone the high cost of stress. 

All ten recommendations can be found in our research report about the Effects of COVID on Workplace Conflict or in this video for HR Managers.

If you need help, contact us for a discovery call because the high cost of conflict and employee turnover can be avoided, and profits can be used for better things.  We can help you decide your best strategies to deal with workplace conflict!

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Leadership Tips For Workplace Relationships

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