Three Tips toward Freedom

freedom of time, money and mobility

I’ve been inspired by the freedom I’ve created in my life, and the freedom that others have created for themselves. After a half-day of coaching, my partner and I returned to our office and rested a while. We sat in our lounge chairs on the dock, in 27-degree, sunny weather with a beautiful wind coming across the lake, and watched as an eagle flew by. Now that is freedom!

Do you have enough freedom? If you don’t, you’ll get three freedom-inspiring ideas from this short message.

Freedom comes in many forms. Freedom of time, money and mobility are a few at the top of my list of desires. Freedom from poor relationships, substance abuse, negative thinking or the control of other people are a few more, and the list goes on. Here are three tips to help free you.

Tip #1. Decide what freedom means to you, and get specific.

I remember doing an activity in 2010 when I wrote and read daily a diary entry titled “A Day in the Life of Penny Tremblay, 2015”. It was a daydream that I created for myself five years from that time. I wrote down every single detail of the dream on lined paper, including the people I saw myself with, the things I spent my time doing, and the assets I had to fulfill those things. This activity represented a conscious decision to achieve the freedom I wanted in 2015, and I’ve pretty much made it all happen with a few months to spare. Some of the players and details are a bit different than I’d imagined, but I’ve been open and trusted that I was getting what I needed—not just what I wanted—and it all came together, all because I decided and clarified what I wanted.

Tip #2. Surround yourself with highly successful people.

Reaching the pinnacle of freedom is going to require doing the right things. Hang out with people who are more accomplished in what you want to do. Success rubs off. As Jack Canfield taught me, you can’t stick your hand into a bucket of paint without getting some on you, so dip into the things that other people have that you want more of. If you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires. If you want to be a pro athlete, hang out with pro athletes. If you want to be successful in business, hang out with those who are already there.

On the flip side, stop dipping into the things that other people have which you don’t want. For example, stop hanging around the gossip group. Stop buying into or participating in the negativity of your environment. Choose to opt out of it. Move on to different people.

How much time have you spent in the last week with people who already have what you want?   Hopefully your answer is at least a couple of hours.

Tip #3. Know what’s holding you back.

The difference between where you are now and where you could be once you’ve found your freedom is likely in your thought process. Limiting beliefs such as “I have to work hard for my money”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and “I could never afford that” have been taught to us, but they’re not always true. You can create your own truth. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith out of the known, and into the unknown trusting that your freedom lies somewhere that you just can’t see yet.

Love your work and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.

I’ve just returned from a conference where I rubbed shoulders with multimillionaires—people who have incredible freedom of time, money and mobility. They’re the leaders in one of my businesses. I learned that the number one commodity in the world right now is supplementary income. Everyone wants more money, which makes sense, but what makes even more sense to me is creating the wealth in a way that doesn’t hold one back from living each and every day the way they want. It’s possible! I’m working on it and making great progress. Ask me how, and I’ll bring you in on my success strategy.

There you have it: three tips to freedom. Best wishes for eagles, water, wind and rest, or whatever freedoms you desire.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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