Since 2020, when our Tremblay Leadership Center analyzed over 550 global survey responses, to determine the effects of COVID-19 on workplace conflict, new research has surfaced. The well-known $359 billion dollar annual cost of corporate conflict has doubled! Ouch!! All team players should be saying ‘ouch’, because that’s a lot of profit which could be paving the way for better things.
Our key findings in 2020 on the effects of Covid19 on workplace conflict revealed that conflict had increased since the pandemic due to remote work, (managing people remotely, and the eroded trust from physically distanced people), the stress and burn-out from increased workloads caused by a lack of human resources, and the resistance to ride the constant reshaping wave of change. Boy were we right!
According to the well-known Myers Briggs Company, the cost of conflict has doubled[1], citing that managers are spending an average of over 4 hours per week dealing with conflict. If this is you, I hope you don’t feel alone.
Change and disruption bring differences of opinion. Opinion differences bring conflict, but these differences can be managed better which can build stronger teams. Also, team members expect their leaders to manage conflict. Remember, healthy teams embrace conflict, and good communication will help mitigate conflict.
We are in a perfect storm and we have been for several years. Good results can come from conflict handled well, and although the sandstorm can be piercing, your grounding can be re-excavated for a foundation that is stronger than ever.
All you need are two tools. One, is the confidence of knowing that you’re not alone, and two, knowing how to manage people and relationships. Simple, but not easy. Call us, we can help.
Guess what? My new book is now available for preorder! Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace: Conflict Resolution from the Inside Out is a playful system to help professionals embrace (and even welcome) conflict with coworkers, bosses, clients, and others. CLICK HERE to order.