Leadership tips

Restoring Conflict to Peace

Restoring conflict to peace is a highly sought after commodity for any organization, because the cost of conflict is huge.  There is a cost of time, poor decisions, lost productivity, toxic corporate culture, worker turnover, damage to reputation and the legal costs which are substantial. 

The financial burden is just one part.  There’s a gigantic human cost as well.  STRESS! 

Did you know that the most debilitating source of workplace stress comes from mismanaged relationships? 

Learning to embrace conflict and restore workplace peace is a valuable program for every training and development agenda.  Healthy teams embrace conflict.  Conflict about systems and processes is worth moving through, and immediate efforts to resolve conflicts involving people is crucial.  

 Listen to my Quick Tip in this short video:

Here are three quick tips for team members to resolve conflict with TLC. T.L.C. is an acronym with a long history; meaning Tender Loving Care.  My TLC strategy for workplace challenges will help you get through minor bumps, preventing them from festering or growing into that debilitating workplace stress.   

  1. Take Responsibility – Tap your full power by avoiding the blame game and take responsibility for making relationships work.  
  1. Listen – Understanding the other person’s perspective is your best defense.  Listen with the intention of understanding; not responding, not defending, just seek to help the other person feel understood. 
  1. Conversation – Approach challenging conversations and try to maintain your cool.  You can start as easily as “Hey can we talk?”  

Communication is an art, not a science so it doesn’t have to be perfect, but your intention to restore conflict to peace will guide you in a good way, so try to resolve conflict with TLC.   

If you or your team needs to improve your ability to Play Nice in the Sandbox especially when the going gets tough, or when deep rooted conflict requires a little more effort than TLC, then give me a call 705-358-3396…I can help.

inspirational speaker, corporate training, conflict resolution



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