Leadership tips

Respectful Email Writing …

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

One of the challenges with email is that the message sent from one person to another can be misundersood.  Another challenge is that people resort to using email to deal with converstations that they aren’t comfortable having face-to-face.

I have recorded a short video tip to get you pointed in the right direction.  It is about checking your intention first before you send an email that could harm you and the recipient. http://youtu.be/H8yXe9TAcyc

I have also dedicated my March 2012 article to this very important subject.  I know it will help many people, becuase the topic is one of the most popular conflict causing issues in organizations. www.PennyTremblay.com

If you learn something, please send it to someone else.  Of course, with good intentions 😉

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