Leadership tips

Referrals are Gold

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

In today’s economy, referrals are gold. I have been working with a system that is bringing me amazing results. You may have a use for it personally, for your business, or both.
The timing of this information is perfect for you , because the holidays are just around the corner, and staying in touch with people is important for success. Whether you are staying in touch with lapsed customers, or you are reaching out to existing customers or prospects, people need to know that you care about them as people first. When customers know, like and trust you, you have their business. I have always said, that when two people want to do business together, the details don’t stand in the way.
Next Tuesday, November 3rd I will be hosting a free webinar for you to join me while interviewing a referral marketing expert, Laurie Hayes who has introduced and taught me how to use this system to mine quality referrals and stay in touch with customers.
Complimentary Webinar
November 3rd at 11:00am, EST.
Here’s the registration link https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/743364514
All are welcome to register.
This month’s edition of Success magazine has a quote from the legendary Harvey Mackay, “People don’t care how much you know, once they know how much you care.”
Looking forward to having you join our webinar. Have a super week.

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