Leadership tips

Rebuild Employee Engagement During the Great Resignation 

image of a woman with a box of belongings handing a letter labeled resignation to a man sitting at a desk due to lack of employee engagement

Working toward rebuilding employee engagement couldn’t be more important right now.  Remote workers are distanced from their leaders and offices, and that distance erodes trust.  Low trust has quite a few consequences including increased costs because it breeds conflict, lack of productivity, and loss of good people.   

According to Statistics Canada, the number of job vacancies reached an all-time high of 912,600 in the third quarter of 2021.  There are five major sectors driving those vacancies, including health care, construction, accommodation and food, retail trade and manufacturing. Beyond those however, I’ve yet to meet a leader these days who isn’t losing sleep over staff shortages and employee engagement.

image of a man holding a sign that says I QUIT! lacking employee engagement

Rebuilding employee engagement is valuable for the team members who are still with you, and the new ones who have joined.  Here are a couple of snack-sized ideas to chew on, with a full meal of strategy in our Engaging Remote Employees virtual workshop.

1. Understand your employees career goals

Arrangements and attitudes have shifted since the pandemic. Perhaps personal interests have too.  Employees of all ages have had to develop new routines in response to provincial restrictions. Some have moved, gained new skills or have new family commitments. Open up a conversation about your employee’s goals and listen with intention to understand what they’re thinking.

Understanding career goals has always been important to engage our two youngest workplace generations, Millennials and Gen 20’s, (born after 1977, 44 years old and younger).  Knowing their goals and sharing your game plan for career advancement opportunities will help them see a future that they may choose to embrace.  Set standards for promotion, then help them get an “A+” at meeting those standards. 

2. Continued Education:

New learning opportunities will present themselves as new demands, changing environments and goals accomplishments.  Initiate conversations about what it takes to lead and get promoted within.  Leadership training for all levels of your team is important.

Dealing within a dispersed team, in a rapidly changing business environment, and the stress of it all creates the opportunity to re-imagine meaningful work. You’ll need relevant skills to attain success.   

Organizations that model and promote professional development and employee engagement will move forward with engaged employees.  People want the stimulation of continued learning with the foresight that their future path will continue to offer them challenges and rewards.  

Best wishes for rebuilding an engaged team! If you can’t find your way, call me because team connection is my specialty.

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Reconnect, Rebuild, & Redefine your Remote Employee Relationships with our Engaging Remote Employees virtual workshop, for further information, book your Discovery Call today.

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