Promoting From Within – Problems and Opportunities

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One of the root causes of conflict that I’ve experienced while working with many organizations is that front line leaders; supervisors promoted from the front line level don’t often have the skills necessary to manage people. Some tend to say the wrong thing, or say things the wrong way, or handle issues and problems less effectively than they could. Solution = Training.  

Quick tip – How to Raise a Concern  In this short video, I talk about the most effective way to raise and deal with a concern in the workplace.

I know that a lot of the leadership training out there tends to be fairly generic, and doesn’t focus on the needs of industrial, operations and manufacturing leaders, which are the majority of companies here in Northern Ontario, so I began to search for resources that I could add to my training programs and discovered Front Line Leadership.

Greg Schinkel, President of Unique Training & Development Inc., and I decided to partner to bring their Front Line Leadership Training to North Bay.  I was most impressed by their curriculum and delivery, and how it offers a lasting impact on building leaders in the manufacturing, mining, operations and distribution industries. 

Imagine the potential when you merge an already enthusiastic and interactive speaker and trainer (like me 🙂 with a whole other level of unique development including highly interactive sessions, lots of variety, video and other fun engaging activities, and the follow up guidance that requires participants check in on how they’re applying this content and it’s impact on their department…. You get massive leadership growth and development! 

Yep, the ultimate team is doing their very first session of many to come, right here in North Bay on November 28/29 and all are welcome to attend… well at least until the room is full. 

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Sandbox Scoop. Video nuggets of wisdom worth sharing
Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


Leadership Tips For Workplace Relationships

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