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The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces, and How to Avoid Them
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Blue Heron Journal Leadership Excellence


“Good people are worth investing in because trust is high and costs are low when relationships are strong, and although conflict is…”
Screenshot 2024-04-01 151312

Sandbox Strategies

“First, recognize that our new hybrid workforce has taken us online for so many business transactions, hours of what pre-pandemic meant assured human contact…”


The #1 Thing That Keeps Leaders Up At Night

“One of the myths about managing conflict is that you, as the leader, are responsible for resolution, but nothing could be further from the truth…” 


The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces, and How To Avoid Them

“Good people are worth investing in because trust is high and costs are low when relationships are strong, and although conflict is…”

Screenshot 2024-04-01 151312

Sandbox Strategies

“First, recognize that our new hybrid workforce has taken us online for so many business transactions, hours of what pre-pandemic meant assured human contact…”


The #1 Thing That Keeps Leaders Up At Night

“One of the myths about managing conflict is that you, as the leader, are responsible for resolution, but nothing could be further from the truth…” 

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Published: MAY 2024

In this conversation we explore what approaches can leaders take to support a conflict resolution which allows for people to work better with each other. Penny Tremblay talks about her method which she calls Playing Nice in the Sandbox.  Listen now.

Published: December 2023

Workplace conflict is the friction, discord, or strain that occurs within teams or among individuals when working together. These conflicts take many different shapes, including diverging viewpoints, communication barriers, clashes of personalities, rivalry over resources, or conflicting approaches to how to get things done. Penny delves deep into this subject on this episode of The Vantage Fit Corporate Wellness Podcast with Dipshi Bhattacharjee. Listen now.

Published: November 2023

Explore the connection between conflict and past experience. Gain insights on transforming detrimental communication and collaboration habits while on your personal path to success. In this discussion with Bill Horan, Penny delves into the essence of sandbox strategies. Listen now.

Published: October 2023

Conflict and its resolution both start from within. Explore the vital inner work necessary for effective collaboration, leadership, and conflict resolution. Tune in to uncover the keys to transforming your company’s interpersonal dynamics. Listen now.

Published: July 2023

What does it mean to value ourselves and our time effectively? In this engaging episode of Swimming in the flood, host Trent Theroux shares thoughts on Penny’s new book, Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace, while sharing personal stories and insights about living with the confidence to know what you deserve – better. Listen now.

Published: July 2023

In this post-pandemic world, there’s more conflict in the workplace now than ever, even though  so many people aren’t even working from the office! Why? For one thing, distance erodes trust. Understand conflict in the new workplace and learn the 8 PLAY NICE strategies for conflict resolution in this episode of the Get Down to Business podcast. Listen now.

Published: July 2023

What impact is staying remote or returning to the office having on the way we work and collaborate? Understand the current state, and future of, our hybrid workplaces. Listen now.

Published: June 2023

The dynamics of conflict resolution are evolving. See how you can “play nice”, while staying true to your objectives, values and emotions by using the best practices for modern conflict resolution. Listen now.

Published: May 2021

Get to the bottom of what stops you from being authentic and effectively navigating a fully self-expressed life in and out of the workplace. Listen now.

Published: March 2021

Learn the solution to conflict, inside of families, and beyond. Penny shares her personal struggle with family conflict, and the strategies she used to move through them and create connection with loved ones very dear to her. Listen now.

Published: October 2018

There is a critical need for conflict resolution in the NEW workplace that we find ourselves in. Dive deep into the complexities of current office relationships and unpack valuable insights for navigating these intricate dynamics. Listen now.

Can you achieve success regardless of your circumstances? Delve into the ways self-reflection and behavioral awareness make it possible to produce positive outcomes in any situation you encounter. Listen now.


Everyday MBA With Kevin Crane

The dynamics of conflict resolution are evolving. See how you can “play nice”, while staying true to your objectives, values and emotions by using the best practices for modern conflict resolution.

High Performance Mindset with Dr. Cindra Kamphoff

In this interview, Penny and Cindra talk about:

  • What it means to “Play Nice in the Sandbox”
  • Why we need to resolve conflict at work
  • Her tips for resolving conflict at work
  • How we are all carrying around a suitcase
  • Why it’s important to look in your suitcase

Broken Families

In this episode, Barbara and Andrew engage in an in-depth discussion on conflict resolution, featuring guest speaker Penny Tremblay. With over 25 years of experience teaching relationship strategies, Penny has left a significant impact. Using impactful metaphors like “Play nice in the sandbox,” she has conducted conflict management training for large companies worldwide, addressing workplace and family conflicts. Penny has crafted multiple programs to empower her students to establish robust systems of healthy relationships without compromising personal principles.

Logan Loomis

Join host Logan Loomis and Penny Tremblay, the mind behind “Play Nice in the Sandbox,” in exploring the theme of achieving success irrespective of your surroundings. Listen as the conversation delves into the ways self-reflection and behavioral assessments can play a crucial role in securing positive outcomes in any situation you encounter.

Amplifying Her Voice

The session titled ‘Leading with Authenticity’ was captured during the Amplifying Her Voice ‘In Moms We Trust’ Mothers Day summit held on May 11 – 13, 2021. To learn about upcoming Amplifying Her Voice events:

Get Down To Business

Penny Tremblay appeared on Scott “Shalom” Klein’s weekly radio program, Get Down To Business. Visit for more information.

Crafting Solutions To Conflict

Explore the wealth of insights in Penny Tremblay’s book, “Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace, Conflict Resolution from the Inside Out.” The book offers valuable perspectives applicable not only in the workplace but also in various aspects of life. Our discussion emphasizes the importance of recognizing our role in interpersonal conflict and encourages self-reflection on what triggers us, as it may differ from others.

Swimming In The Flood

In this episode, the conversation revolves around personal values, exploring topics such as Notorious B.I.G and Conrad Hilton.


5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces

CEOWorld Magazine

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces, and How to Avoid Them

In my two decades of experience helping teams resolve conflict, I’ve learned there’s only one way through conflict, and that is through it! Embracing conflict to problem solve, or working through mediation to resolve the prohibitive problem of interpersonal issues leads team members through discomfort, to peace, professional growth, and productive lessons.

Blue Heron Journal

Sandbox Strategies

We’ve all been there, felt that awful sense of being surrounded, or energized to fight back – but to what purpose?  Conflict can be a career ender, or a new idea creator, but either way conflict takes energy and skill, and it can be a big distraction.  Author Penny Trembly puts some sense into it, and offers a systemic approach to mastering conflict – even using it to strengthen leadership and clarify important goals. Leadership Excellence

The #1 Thing That Keeps Leaders Up At Night

The most popular confession that leaders make during my conflict resolution process and training, is that despite their talents in many areas of leadership, they don’t know how to manage team conflict. That confession is so honest and vulnerable; I just love it when people are real about their relationship to conflict.  Most people avoid it, so it festers and has a way of creeping into one’s personal time – playing on their mind like a bad movie at best, or a horror film at worst. 

Modern Conflict Resolution

Penny Tremblay discusses her book “Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace,” and best practices for modern conflict resolution. Now that many workers are collaborating online and teams are becoming ever-more virtual in nature, the best practices to resolve conflict are changing. Listen to learn how you can “play nice” and still be true to your objectives and feelings.

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High Performance Mindset with Dr. Cindra Kamphoff

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Everyday MBA
With Kevin Crane

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Broken Families

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Leadership at All Levels with Gail Alofsin

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Dissolve Workplace Conflict Summit

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Professional Women Rising

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Authentic Living with Roxanne

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Logan Loomis

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Amplifying Her Voice

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Power Your Platform

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Savvy Business,
Life Unscripted

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Get Down To Business

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Crafting Solutions To Conflict

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Swimming In The Flood