Leadership tips

One Way to Build Trust in Remote Working Arrangements

Trust while distanced at work with Penny Tremblay

Distance erodes trust. During this pandemic, we’re all distanced from each other at work, even if we’re in the same location because we stay apart, wear masks and we’re just not connecting like we used to.  You can build trust with one phrase.

Trust is foundational to increased productivity and reduced costs. One way to build and maintain trust is to be your word. Do what you say you’ll do, be where you say you’ll be, deliver on what you say you’ll deliver on.

When you deliver what you’ve promised, use the phrase “As promised” Example, when you say you’ll have that report completed on time, deliver the report on time, with the message, “Dear (Name), As promised, please find the report attached.”  This short phrase will help you build trust with your team-mates and clients.

For more information about building trust, enjoy this quick video.

By the way, you can trust that your interpersonal relationships will thrive with Sandbox Training for you and your whole team. Check it out, create a great start to 2021, and stay safe.


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