Leadership tips

One Thing that Builds Trust in Remote Work Teams

build trust

Connection…That’s the one thing that builds trust in remote teams. 

You don’t have to read on if you know how to stay connected and everyone is working very efficiently from different physical locations.   It might be too early to tell.

To build trust, first, start inside your own sandbox.  Look in the mirror, do you see a trustworthy person?  Someone who is who they say they are?  Are YOU committed, honest and in integrity?  Positioning yourself for good play is paramount to mastering the workplace sandbox, and it’s always an inside job. 

Trust erodes with distance.  Our workplace sandbox has shifted, there are silos everywhere, and just the distance alone between us can crumble confidence 

Connection can patch the holes of trust we make with assumptions.  We may assume that others aren’t doing what they’re supposed to, or that we are behind the group in efforts and outcomes, but we don’t know what we don’t know, and we aren’t seeing people, processes and results in our peripheral vision.   

Connect with team huddles, connect face-to-face as much as possible, and ear-to-ear as a second choice.  Share the lead, listen and learn about what is important to everyone else. 

Here’s a video to help you Just Trust…


Here’s a link to Virtual Options for training, conflict resolution and strategic team sessions.  There’s a difference between surviving and thriving.  We’ve settled into a new way, now it’s time to evaluate whether you’re just surviving, or if you’re thriving! 

If you can’t find your way, call Penny Tremblay because the high cost of conflict from disconnected teams is avoidable, and profits can be used for better things. 

Stay apart but stay connected,

workplace conflict training best speaker Ontario 



P.S. The Conference Board of Canada blog post: Trust your People is a great read!
“One of the best things you can do for your own self-care and your employees is to trust them. Trust that they will do what they need to when they need to in order to get the work done. Sometimes we mistake micromanaging for “looking after” and think people need us to dictate their every move. They don’t. They need overall guidance and to know what your priorities are for their work. Beyond that, let your employees figure out how to manage their days, especially now—they may have other responsibilities and need to look after their own health. That leaves room for you to focus more on your own work and well-being.” Conference Board of Canada, May 2020

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