One Decision That Can Change Your Life Forever

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Have you had a chance to define success in your life? What does success mean to you, where are you at in the process and where to you want to be? The average person spends more time planning a vacation than they spend planning their whole life. Don’t be average. Make time to define what you want from your life, then live it that way.

We can become overwhelmed with everything that we want in order to be successful. Do you know how an ant eats an elephant? – one bite at a time. If you are wondering how you can possibly make the transformation from where you are to where you want to be, rest assured there is a way. As success is a journey, you need only to take one step consistently. If you took a small step toward self improvement every day, even in some small way,  you will make remarkable progress. Therefore, making a commitment to daily improvement is a bite-sized way to ensure lasting success.

Acquiring the Discipline for Consistent Change

Recognize that if we are not growing, we are dying. If we are not climbing, we are sliding. In an example of a  bank account, if it’s not growing, then it is shrinking. It won’t maintain the same balance because monthly fees and inflation will keep taking away from it. How about our health? If we just stopped investing in our health and rested, would our health improve or decline?   Decline of course, because we need to keep our bodies fueled with exercise and good food. As for business relationships, they are either getting stronger, or they are getting weaker. Customer relations that are not nurtured lose their positioning over time.

How do you ensure forward motion on all your roles and goals? By deciding to make a commitment to consistent improvement, that’s how.

CANI – Constant And Never-ending Improvement

If you take action to improve something, you benefit for a short time. For example, if you nurture a personal relationship with a night or weekend away, fun activities and romance, you will improve the relationship temporarily. Over time, the status of the relationship will slide. If you contribute to the bank account, you will make a change that one time. What gives us lasting success in our lives, is consistent improvement.

Consider every aspect of your life when you are striving to improve. Include your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. All these aspects need to expand together so that you can live life at the very deepest level. Try this Balance Wheel Activity to learn more about the balance in your life.
Decide to commit to CANI, a new word developed by success coach Tony Robbins who believes that we needed a word similar to the Japanese word “keizen” made up of “kie” which means change and “zen” which means good, built on the premise of ‘change is good’, that a commitment to constant and never-ending improvement is the one decision that will change your life forever. Tomorrow can only be better than today. That is motivating! Even in some small way, if you and you and your whole team can commit to constantly improving something, you will be moving forward. It may seem to be slow progress if the daily improvement  are really small, but you will actually make the transformation in record time – because of the consistency of this discipline.
We are happiest when we are constantly improving.  I have realized that I am only happy when I am celebrating progress. I am inspired to get out of bed every morning because I have a passion for making today better someway than yesterday was. When a day goes by status-quo, I am not pleased with myself because I haven’t taken a step on my journey. With consistent daily improvement, one day you will notice that you are living the life of your dreams. Make a commitment to CANI and enjoy  big benefits with the decision to commit to Constant And Never-ending Improvement.

This article was inspired by Tony Robbins, and dedicated to two friends, Karen and Tim, on a constant journey of personal development.

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

If you can’t find your way, call us for help. We offer in-person and virtual services of conflict resolutiontrainingplanning strategies and accountability with our four-step Sandbox System™. 


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