Leadership tips

My Christian Stand About Chrismas Greetings

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

A year ago I was told by a manager in human resources of a large organization, that she had to ask an employee to remove a sign on their cubicle or office that said “Merry Christmas” because it offended someone else in the office.

“How sad that people can’t celebrate in their chosen traditional fashion” I thought to myself.

I have been thinking about this for a year, and I am making a conscious decision to include Christ in my seasonal greetings.  Yes, I am taking a stand for what I believe in, and I am allowing myself to speak, to think, to celebrate in my traditional way.

Christmas, December 25th is the birth day of Jesus Christ, a man who changed the world.  I celebrate Him, and I will not be silenced by political views, policies in the workplace or others who have different beliefs.

You see, I understand that others celebrate differently.  Different religious cultures name their Gods differently, and celebrate differently, and I think that is terrific too.  Who am I to say what is right, or THE way, or the ONLY way.  I can respect other people’s beliefs, even though they are not mine.

I also respect my own beliefs and traditions, and I will not be silenced or change my traditional greeting of Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays.  My Christian values guide me to stay true to who I am, and share my joy with others by greeting them a Merry Christmas before or on this day.

So too will I wish my Jewish friends a happy Hanukkah this year during their eight-day commemoration which begins on December 20th and ends December 28th this year.

We can wish our African American friends a joyful Kwanzaa, during a weeklong celebration of their heritage and culture from Dec. 26 to January 1st.

As these and other faiths celebrate during this time, it is not only a Christmas season in our diverse country, but other holidays too, thus, Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings are generic greetings that recognize all groups of people that celebrate differently during this season.

Rather than try and silence people from offering the greetings of their choices, can we not stay true to who we really are by celebrating our own greetings and messages, and find peace in accepting what others believe as well?

I will hang a MERRY CHRISTMAS poster in my office this year, and I encourage all faiths to celebrate and hang their message too.  Won’t it help us all accept diversity when we can allow people to be who they really are, and be educated in the true meaning of what their holidays represent to them?


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