Leadership tips

Love in the Workplace

Love in the workplace

Valentine’s Day is a time where outwardly expressing love is top of mind. There is a way to express Love in the Workplace, and it will build relationships for productivity, peace and profit!  

For some great insight, I asked my good friend and Recognition Expert, Sarah McVanel for her opinion. 

Never underestimate the power of a compliment. I know it seems like people don’t like them – they look uncomfortable, they shirk it off saying “ah it was nothing” or really believe it when they say, “I was just doing my job”.  However, as a Recognition Expert, when I ask people “what is the best compliment you have ever received?” everyone has a story.  And you might be the very centre of someone’s story and not know it.  

Spread compliments like a grade one student spreads Valentine’s Day cards.  Don’t overthink it, has this person has gone “above and beyond”.  Instead ask, what is a talent, passion or virtue that I respect in them?  Then go and give them that compliment, whether it’s verbal, in a thank-youcard or post-it-note left on their computer. This might just be the most needed, valued and helpful workplace communication they receive all day. 

Celebrating Valentine’s Day in the workplace doesn’t have to be an outward expression like giving flowers, cards or chocolate.  Words will do!  Words like: 

“I love the way you serve customers for us.” 

“I’m happy you’re my boss because you seem to care about me as a person.” 

“We need you.” 

“Your skill set is valuable to us.” 

 “I appreciate you because…” 

I challenge you to outwardly recognize your colleagues.  You don’t have to acknowledge them with gifts.  You can improve workplace relationships simply with words. 

Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day and encouraging you to recognize greatness in others today and every day! 

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