Set Your Goals & Think Thoughts of Receiving Them
To set (SMART) goals is important to succeed. To believe them and live like they are already achieved…
What Has Your Website Done for You Lately – Winter 2007
Five years ago, a website was a luxury. Today it is a necessity. What has your website done for you lately? Or more importantly, what have you done to ensure that it is working for you?
First Things First For The Holidays
When you discover what these ‘First Things’ are, and schedule them first as priorities, all the other things…
The Power of Praise, Recognition & Acknowledgement
People who feel good about themselves produce good results, and people who produce good…
Work Less – Live More
We know the things that make us happy, but we don’t make time to do them…
Delegate with Empowerment – Fall 2007
By delegating tasks properly, you can actually create a better skilled and supportive staff. It may take more of your time to delegate properly than doing the task yourself, but the pay off …
Leadership Skills Multiply Performance
Fact: People are hired for their technical skills, but fired or stuck in a dead – end career due to their lack of leadership skills. Solution: Training..
Delegate with Empowerment
Here are some important steps in delegating properly and empowering staff…
You Can’t be Serious
You can’t be serious all the time, so make time for humour in your workplace, the benefits are endless…
The Orthodontic Train – Summer 2007
With your staff behind you, you can effectively do more orthodontics and/or implement change to incorporate your new education and goals. Staff training is an integral rail car on your orthodo…