Want to make a MINT in this new economy?
The first quarter of 2009 presents a slower economy, which gives us tremendous opportunity to sharpen our tools for success. We can use this breathing space in the economy to strengthen our foun…
Entrepreneur Your Life
What is an entrepreneur? You Are. Whether you own your own business, or you work for an employer, you are the one …
Top 3 Employee Motivators
Top 3 motivators from employee perspective: According to a recent management study, 46% of employees leave a company because they feel unappreciated; 61% said their bosses did not place importance on them as people and 88% said that they do not receive acknowledgement for the work they do.Whether you are an entrepreneur, manager, parent, teacher, […]
Don’t Put Off Until Tomorrow
Procrastination means worrying about the things that you are not getting done. If you are not worried about it, then you are not procrastinating. Fear, doubt and procrastination cause us to delay acti…
Optimistic about the Economy, Is it Better than Ever? – Winter 2008
With the recent change in the economy many people share their doubt, fear and apprehension. We cannot change the economic state, but we can certainly change our habits to weather the storm and ma…
People will always remember how you made them feel …
I have learned that people are creatures of emotion, motivated by pride and vanity. They won’t always remember what I have told them, or what I have taught them, but they will always remember how I made them FEEL, whether that was good or not so good. I try to make it a regular part […]
Optimistic about the Economy
With the recent change in the economy many people share their doubt, fear and apprehension …
What Not to Say…
You have most likely heard the expression, It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it, that implies we need to mind our manners when communicating with people…
Contagious Enthusiasm
From customer satisfaction to employee motivation to customer satisfaction …
From Patient Satisfaction to Employee Motivation – Fall 2008
What a tremendous cycle. Satisfied patients motivate employees. It’s a chain reaction of contagious enthusiasm. Are your patients giving you feedback? Furthermore, are you allowing the feedback to rea…