Are You a Leader?
Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing
The Leader in You
Are you a leader? Leadership is influence — nothing more, nothing less. You, and everyone in your company, have a certain degree of influence, and you do not need to be in a position of authority to exercise it. Whatever your position, you have the privilege of influence. When you can learn to influence other […]
Honour Our Potential Everyday
The Dragon Boat honours the spirit of the dragon, which in China represents coming together and working as a team toward one common goal. What if you and your team, at work or at home, worked toward one shared goal? Would you be more productive?
Settle Your Own Disputes
Giving and Receiving takes many forms in life. We give time, money, support and many other efforts to many different people, and by universal law, we receive on some level back in a dynamic exchange. No matter how good your intentions are, and how hard you try to give your best, sometimes, disputes arise. Making […]
Feed Me More Feedback
Giving and receiving feedback effectively is a top-rated leadership skill, yet when people hear the word feedback, they often relate it to criticism
Thirteen Thank Yous
There were 13 patients, and their families assembled in preparation for ‘Family Day’, a monthly event scheduled for parents, siblings and spouses to visit their loved ones who had found the need and begun their journey toward recovery of their illness. “Before we begin, we would like to thank one of our parents here today, […]
Feed Me Feedback – Part 2
Sharing our feedback with other people is a strategy of Giving, and the results are worth making time for. Giving yourself permission to receive feedback appropriately brings us riches far beyond wealth, felt in the rich relationships that we develop with people as a result of being open to their feedback. The intention of feedback […]
Taking Back Your Power
We cannot change the past, we cannot change others, nor can we change certain circumstances that may befall us. We can, however, change our responses to these things.
Taking Back Your Power
A woman spoke of her terrible childhood to a psychologist, to which the doctor replied, “That’s just ‘so what’.” Then, as the woman waited in anticipation for his empathy and compassion, the psychologist continued: “The real ‘what’ is what are you going to do about it now?” In this way, the psychologist was encouraging his […]
Riches in the Middle East Revolution
Over the past 4 weeks, my heart breaks reading the news about the Middle East Revolution. Yet looking at it from a different angle, I read about hope in the journey of these protesters, and feel pride in their peaceful approach. In Egypt, hundreds of thousands celebrate with a victory march in Tahrir Square, after […]