The only book Steve Jobs had on his iPad

It is interesting to me, that the only book Steve Jobs had on his iPad was Autobiography of a Yogi. He knows that when we can transform ourselves from the inside, we can transform the world.  This portrays the power in personal development.  You can’t skip it, or work around it, you must work through […]

The Riches of Authenticity

“I believe that communication is the most important leadership skill that one can possess for success in business,” I shared with Robin, the CEO of a successful Canadian-wide franchise.  Robin has experience working in many different companies and countries around the world. I asked him, “In your opinion, what is the most important leadership quality?” […]

Time to Get a Life

Whether you are part of a large organization or small business with one or more employees, your workplace can and should utilize workspace and time to help employees find a good balance of health and …

Giving and Growing Rich is an Inside Job

Giving and growing rich is an inside job. It starts with giving to ourselves. Doing the work for this book and researching and creating programs for this topic gave me the opportunity to work hard on mending and fixing my own relationships. I had to learn to give in areas of my life that were […]

Invest In Yourself

Invest in yourself

“The only investment that will pay you for a lifetime is the investment you make in yourself.”

The Riches of Life

Are you rich in all the ways that really matter? The secret to riches exists in the relationships we keep with ourselves, and with others, in our personal and professional lives.

The Riches of Life

Let’s define the riches of life.  They are not always measured in money. Other riches include: Lasting friendships Harmonious family relationships Sympathy and empathy for other people Understanding between business associates Attracting an abundance of good feelings Riches do not only consist of material things.  How do you define the Riches Of Life?  Please comment […]

Cooperation vs. Competition

Here is another excerpt from my new book, I Give and Grow Rich, An Inspiring Guide to Circulating Abundant Wealth. Cooperation vs. Competition People in the workplace environment don’t always want to share their knowledge since they feel threatened. They feel that knowledge is power, and that they become more powerful by withholding all of […]

Follow the Leader

Last month we recognized how we can increase our own leadership ability by making the choice to be influential, regardless of our position in an organization. For this month’s edition, I promised t…

Excerpt from new book, “I Give and Grow Rich”

I have just finished my book, and want to share a story that represents our theme this month of being a leader, and building leaders. Building Mutually Supportive Relationships The best way to get promoted is to get your boss promoted, and find your own replacement. Laurie’s story I had mastered the skills required as […]