The Power of Vision


Are you familiar with the concept of a “vision board”? A vision board is a visual space upon which you can post pictures of what you want to attract into your life. My friends and I have made vision b…

Grow Tall with Deep Roots in Giving

“It’s been great to sit back and think about all of the wonderful experiences where I have given and received in life.” This was the first comment Laurie made in our interview about my concept of “Giv…

Receivers Make More Money

I received this email from, Bob Harrison International Ministries, and wanted to pass on the message to my blog readers. In the NFL, free agency is bringing big paydays for receivers. National Football League wide receiver Vincent Jackson just signed a five-year contract with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for $55 million. Wide receiver Pierre […]

Do you want Customers or Clients?

The definition of a client is “one who is under the protection of another. Which would you rather have, customers or clients? Clients come back for repeat business, customers buy once and are done. The key to building your relationships with your clients is in follow up and knowing the best way to follow up. […]

Respectful Communication in an Electronic Era

Is your intention to resolve, build, strengthen, enhance, lead, promote, or generally bring a person or situation to a higher place? If not, then stop and reconsider. You are in the right state of m…

Respectful Email Writing …

One of the challenges with email is that the message sent from one person to another can be misundersood.  Another challenge is that people resort to using email to deal with converstations that they aren’t comfortable having face-to-face. I have recorded a short video tip to get you pointed in the right direction.  It is […]

Marley & Me

My dog Marley taught me 8 great lessons in her amazing life.  Today I am honoring her by sharing what she taught me. What if we could live our days as authentic people, real and true to ourselves and our loved ones?   How would our lives be different if we could be patient and trust […]

Marley & Me

You may have read the book or watched the famous movie about the love and loss of a dog named Marley. I, too, had a Marley. A beautiful fourteen year old golden retriever who was given to me as a bi…

Seeding positive thoughts …

January 7th If you plant carrot seeds, what do you get? … carrots. If you plant bean seeds, what do you get?  beans. What seeds are you planting in your mind?  Are they the seeds that you expect to have sprouting up in your reality? I am grateful to be in attendance at the MLM […]

Your Relationship with Time

This article will help you to resolve the direction in which you are headed so that the year ahead can be put to great use. I can assure you that the five minutes you spend reading this article will …