Accept Others and Be Rich

judgement vs analysing

In the workplace, judgment of others often leads to disharmony because people expect others to behave, speak or interact in a certain way.  The fact is that we can be divided into different ‘personality styles’; each personality type has different strengths and weaknesses. Hypothetically speaking, the best possible team would have a combined inventory of […]

FREE books and audio by Penny Tremblay

Top three reasons to like the Tremblay Leadership Center facebook page: 3. You need ideas to deal with difficult behaviour in your workplace. 2. You’ve discovered that motivation is like bathing, it doesn’t last, that’s why you need to do it every day. 1. You get your name entered into a contest for FREE books […]

What is Relationship Marketing ?

What is Relationship Marketing? people ask … Wikipedia defines Relationship Marketing as emphasizing customer retention and satisfaction, rather than dominant focus on sales transactions.  It differs from other forms of marketing recognizing the long-term value of customer relationships and extending communication beyond advertising and sales messages. However, if you want to stay in business, you’ll […]

Podiums are for Athletes

motivational speaker, Ontario Canada

During the Olympics you hear a lot of talk about the podium.  Wikipedia says that a podium (plural podia) is a platform that is used to raise something to a short distance above its surroundings. It derives from the Greek πόδι (foot). Why then do people refer to the tall stand on a stage or […]

Honouring a Leader

We lost one of the world’s great human beings, July 16th, 2012. Stephen Covey’s impact on the world is said to be “incalculable” and his influence will continue to touch the lives of millions of people for many years. Stephen was a mentor to me; his teachings are reflected in so much of my written […]

Be Silent and Be Rich

As summer sets in, we all seek more relaxation, time outdoors, and peace in our days. However, the reality is that it’s difficult to mentally shut ourselves off in the digital age.

Making your Car a Sanctuary for Silence

How much silence do you welcome into your day? Do you wake up to a noisy alarm clock? Turn on the television or computer as you are going through your morning routine? Listen to the radio during your commute to work? Do you repeat this same noise for the rest of the day and into […]

‘Clear Out’ and Be Rich

Last month I wrote about the power of vision. If the first step to getting to where you’re going in your personal life and career is visualizing that place, what’s the next step? Take action!

‘Clear Out’ and Be Rich

On the subject of ‘Give and Be Rich’, I gave myself the opportunity to return to San Diego, CA this past weekend and work with my mentor Barbara De Angelis in her amazing BreakThrough program.  We did an incredible amount of ‘clearing out’, and I feel rich in new ways. During this BreakThrough program, I […]

What Do You Expect?

What Do You See Happening? My dad always told my mom and his closest friends that I could fall into a bucket of dirt (he used a different word) and come out smelling like a rose. That’s an old expression that depicts how some people can make the best of any situation, and you can, […]