Set Boundaries for Yourself and Others
Are you frustrated about other people not living up to your expectations? Let’s take that thought of everyone else being the problem, and turn it inward. Are you frustrated about not living up to your expectations? This is a common issue that people want resolved. Start by shifting yourself, and watch others magically fall into […]
Honouring My Mentor
One year ago at Author University in Las Vegas, I was presented with the opportunity to work with a mentor who had written fourteen best selling books, achieved the Toastmasters elite Golden Gavel award and who has mastered her self and her career in ways that I want to master mine. I made a year […]
Thank and be Rich
The language of the heart is expressed in gratitude. When we want our hearts to feel rich, we need to create more positive experiences, and this can be done by paying attention to joy, abundance, beauty, and the potential of what is. Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.
Be Grateful and Be Rich
It’s been a wonderful Canadian Thanksgiving and I’m elated to look out over hundreds of miles of red, orange and yellow forests. The trees inspire me as their leaves remind me of the cycle of life; their strong trunks remind me of the potential for growth when we’re grounded with deep roots; and the sheer number of them inspire me to notice the abundance that surrounds me when I really open my eyes to the fullness of nature.
The Impact of a Positive Work Atmosphere
The manager of a dental office recently called for advice about her team. The financial aspect of the practice was great but the passion and motivation of the team wasn’t there. This affected the quality of patient care and an increase of employee turnover.When we investigated further, she mentioned that they recently invested in a […]
The Difference between Judging and Analyzing
As I wrote in this month’s article,’When we judge others, we criticize their moral behavior as inappropriate’ (read the full article Accept Others and Be Rich); criticizing people is detrimental to our own being, however, there has to be a balance somewhere to allow for analyzing. What is the difference between judgement and analyzing? Here […]
Accept Others and Be Rich
In the workplace, judgment of others often leads to disharmony because people expect others to behave, speak or interact in a certain way. The fact is that we can be divided into different ‘personality styles’; each personality type has different strengths and weaknesses. Hypothetically speaking, the best possible team would have a combined inventory of […]
FREE books and audio by Penny Tremblay
Top three reasons to like the Tremblay Leadership Center facebook page: 3. You need ideas to deal with difficult behaviour in your workplace. 2. You’ve discovered that motivation is like bathing, it doesn’t last, that’s why you need to do it every day. 1. You get your name entered into a contest for FREE books […]
What is Relationship Marketing ?
What is Relationship Marketing? people ask … Wikipedia defines Relationship Marketing as emphasizing customer retention and satisfaction, rather than dominant focus on sales transactions. It differs from other forms of marketing recognizing the long-term value of customer relationships and extending communication beyond advertising and sales messages. However, if you want to stay in business, you’ll […]
Podiums are for Athletes
During the Olympics you hear a lot of talk about the podium. Wikipedia says that a podium (plural podia) is a platform that is used to raise something to a short distance above its surroundings. It derives from the Greek πόδι (foot). Why then do people refer to the tall stand on a stage or […]