Giving 100% – what does that mean?

You often hear people suggest “give 100%” to something, to someone, and you will succeed.  What does this 100% mean?  Does it mean doing things perfectly?  NO. What it means is that you COMMIT TO PARTICIPATING 100%. It could be trying out for a part in a theatre production, playing golf, talking to your spouse, […]

How To Remember Names

During my full-day Workplace Relationships seminar, I often make time first thing in the morning for a round of introductions so that I can get acquainted with my students.  I ask them to tell me their name and something about the topic of the day—perhaps what skills they already have, or what they want to […]

One’s Name is Like Music to Their Ears

I was reading through evaluations from a recent “Workplace Relationships” seminar that I delivered to the support staff at Lambton College in Sarnia. One participant wrote “I wanted to learn how she remembered all of our names”. I love to read good feedback, especially when it concerns ways that I can improve or things that really stood out for participants. Because of this, I have learned to value feedback and leverage it as a way to make my programs better each time I deliver them.

Motherly Love in the Workplace

As a tribute to Mother’s Day, I wanted to share what I have learned about how men in positions of power are eager to learn the vocal strategies women have been using for years.

Mother’s Day Words

If you are a mom, Happy Mother’s Day. If not, you definitely have a mom, whether she is with you in body or just in spirit, you can tap into the abundant love that she has or had for you, where you feel unconditionally loved, nurtured and safe.

What does International Women’s Day mean for you?

March 8th every year is International Women’s Day, where the focus ranges from generalities of respect, love and appreciation to social, economical and political advancement of women.  What does this mean for YOU? Gentlemen, today is another day like Valentine’s Day or Mother’s Day where you can make a special effort to show the women […]

A Pat on the Back Pays Huge Dividends

Recognition is the most powerful human motivator in the workplace. It costs nothing, and pays back huge dividends.

Many people think that money and perks are the best motivator, but money often gets applied to bills, and perks quickly forgotten. The power in verbal recognition is that is strikes an emotional cord within people, and they never forget how they felt.

Letting People Know Who They Are Has a Significant Ripple Effect

I once read a story about a teacher who decided to honor the seniors at her high school by having them come to the front of the class one by one to receive verbal recognition of how they had made a difference. She presented them each with a blue ribbon to acknowledge that who they are made a difference. To see what impact this recognition could have on the community, the teacher gave each student three more ribbons to share with others and asked them to report the results back within a week.

Are you your greatest coach, or greatest critic?

This is a quick and simple idea.  Do you believe in your potential?  That is a key question.  Why would you be motivated to learn and grow if you don’t think you are worth the effort?  You must see yourself as a gemstone of potential, perhaps like a diamond in the rough, that only needs […]

Love is a Verb (Team Development)

love in the workplace

Team development is something you do. It’s the small and big things: the random acts of kindness, surprises, extra support, smiles, conversations, pats on the back, compliments, patience, kind thoughts, compassion, and many other acts of doing something for someone else.