Jumping for Joy

let kids miss you

As a working mom, I used to ask myself, “Am I enough?” Enough for my family, my career, and my other roles and responsibilities? This has been a harsh sense of doubt to place on myself. (But do you notice that I have placed it on myself?)

Claim What’s Yours and Be Rich

conflict resolution strategy

Do you want less suffering and more connection in your relationships? Learn how you can have more serenity and acceptance toward the things you cannot change, and more courage to shift the things you can, with the following words of wisdom.

“I’m not setting goals” she said …

In conversation with a business associate today, I found it intriguing that when it was her turn to share her goals for 2014 at a business women’s network, she said “I’m not setting goals for 2014 yet, I am spending time appreciating all of my accomplishments of 2013.” Another business associate emailed me her ‘business […]

If You’re Not Appearing, You’re Disappearing

I joined Toastmasters about ten years to hone my communication and leadership skills and network with other people.  I started appearing at meetings and taking on various roles available through the club, which pushed and pulled me in ways I had never expected. 

Guided and Protected, Yet Sheltered

Preparing for a late-night walk in the rain with my dog Joy, my coat, hood and headband flashlight had made the dark, damp night feel safe. I had been walking for almost 45 minutes before I realized  that my head was dully aching. The guiding light of my headband’s light had been bright enough to […]

Are You Open for Business?

Are you open for business?  For wealth, good health, or quality relationships?  “Of course I am”, you will answer to the question.  But are you really open? What is ‘open’? How can I be more open to receive more of what I want?  This article is about being open for all types of business: the […]

Opening the Soul for Business

Last week I was eating Chinese food in a little restaurant on Spadina Avenue in Toronto with my good friend and fellow author, Barry Spilchuk.  I was speaking to him about being snagged  (previous article explains how to best deal with snags) in my personal development because I realized that I was hooked onto something […]

God Bless America and God Bless the Canadians …

Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance is my new book title and concept.  It’s release date will be announced soon. Someone else’s story that demonstrates this concept so well was forwarded to me today by my great friend Mike Dagostino.  The story is about the kindness shown to the passengers and […]

Fish On! Overcoming Snags

Father’s Day got me thinking about how often in life we find ourselves snagged on something that needs resolving, and whether people chose to stop, go back, and find and fix the issue first before continuing on, or whether they continue despite the snag and risk losing so much in the long run.

Giving 100% – what does that mean?

You often hear people suggest “give 100%” to something, to someone, and you will succeed.  What does this 100% mean?  Does it mean doing things perfectly?  NO. What it means is that you COMMIT TO PARTICIPATING 100%. It could be trying out for a part in a theatre production, playing golf, talking to your spouse, […]