The Key to staying Committed
I once heard a great statement from the CEO of the Union of Ontario Indians. While speaking to his team about staying committed he said, “If I’m not doing my job, please let me know, but don’t let it stop you from doing your job.” I will always remember this piece of wisdom, and I’ve […]
The Key to Staying Committed
Commitment is continuing to do what you’ve said you’d do, long after the feeling you had when you made the commitment has gone. Commitment is not a feeling. It’s a decision!
Be the Gift of Tolerance
Be the Gift this year. Be tolerant of others. Be the one who can mingle in family time without judgment. Accept people for who they are, or who they are not.
Rejection is a Great Gift
Learn how to turn rejection into your best gift. Make what you want more prevalent in your mind than how you feel at the time of rejection or loss. Rejection hits our emotions first, and hard, but there’s many ways to see it and it’s within your power to choose a favorable response.
Just Ask
Ask for what you need. Ask for what you want. Ask for someone to include you in something you’d like to be a part of. Keep on asking people for the things you want.
Alcoholism Hurts Families
Perhaps a more personal topic than I usually write, this one is too close to home having just attended the funeral of a 31 year old man, and knowing the story of alcoholism that took over his better judgment. I’m struggling with why not to write this, why not help other families, why not change […]
I recently encountered a metaphor for agitation and its effect on relationships. I was hand washing some delicate garments the other day. As the warm water soaked my fine clothing, I added some mild detergent and began to agitate the water with my hand to begin the cleaning process. I started thinking about the act […]
Relationship Marketing
I’ve always said that when two people WANT to do business together the details don’t stand in the way. Businesses of all sizes rely on relationships with their prospects and existing customers to prosper. If you think that you have a good relationship with customers just because you’ve done business in the past, think again. […]
Three Tips toward Freedom
The difference between where you are now and where you could be once you’ve found your freedom is likely in your thought process.
Giving Just to Give
The first chapter of my book, Give and Be Rich, is titled “Giving Simply to Give”. Its premise seems simple: just give for the sake of giving. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. I remember trick-or-treating on Halloween many, many moons ago, and the time that a man tricked instead of treated. He […]