Are You Strategically Planning for All Areas of Life?

strategic plan for all areas of life

This past week I was immersed in my own strategic plan for 2017 and beyond.  The new year always catapults me into goal setting and strategy, where I first look back at the previous year and acknowledge my accomplishments and the lessons learned, as well as my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. I set BHAGs […]

Vision Card

vision card free activity

Visualize Your Dreams – Card Making Activity In this vision card, free activity we’ll create individual collages representing long-term personal, educational and career goal setting. Every DREAM CARD is different and may have images and words representing different life areas. Consider the following aspects of your life: Spirituality Health Relationships Wealth Hobbies / Toys Travel […]

10 Reasons to Thank Your Customers

10 reasons to thank customers

I’ve been basking in gratitude this week for all that I have, including the people in my life, and in my business.  I feel so blessed to have great clients. Yesterday I had a request from an international journal to re-run an article that I’d written for them years ago, because they feel it’s still […]

Giving With No Strings Attached

Giving with no strings attached

‘Tis the season for giving, and there’s no better season to practice the gift of giving with no expectations. I wrote the book on it, but I also need practice. I’ve recognized times when I am not giving unconditionally, and I have learned that we often have a motivation beyond just giving for the sake […]

Business Affecting Your Marriage?

Business Passion Affects Marriage

As businesswomen, we may feel that we have to make a choice between our love for our marriages and families and the passion that fuels our entrepreneurial spirits! What makes this business dilemma more difficult for women than men goes back thousands of years, but times are changing, and so are the needs of both […]

Assumptions Cause Unnecessary Conflict

assumptions cause unnecessary conflict

Pay attention to your assumptions. Are they facts or fears? Are you letting them take you out? Are you making them mean something that doesn’t serve your best interests? Don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify motives—both yours and others’. Asking questions is an excellent communication skill.

My Life Is Messy

Having coffee with an influential woman in my life the other day had some food for thought tossed on the table. She said that people see me as ‘near perfect’, and that it could possibly hold them back from connecting. I was surprised to hear this feedback, because I have a messy life, but it […]

Reboot, Reset, Recharge

Reboot, Reset, Redesign, Redefine or Recharge … We’re familiar with all of these terms as ways to return to new again. We know that the most convenient ‘fix’ for most technologies is a reboot. To turn something off and back on again often clears out any glitch and allows for full function, but what does […]

Are You ‘Too Busy’?

I know you’re busy so I’m going to get to the point: we use the excuse or the story that we’re ‘too busy’ all the time. Regardless of what you’re spending your time doing, you’re filling it with something. But are you filling it with the right things? Or does your story just say that […]

Until Death Do We… Unite

until death do we unite

Unite with those that matter by realizing that the human needs of support and compassion that we can offer far outweigh our own selfish battles of ego, being right, being accepted, or being treated a certain way.