Leadership tips

Kids Give and Become Richer Than They Thought Possible …

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The other day I was watching Dragon’s Den and experienced my Give and Be Rich philosophy by a group of 8-9 year old kids from Hope Blooms.  They were making a pitch for 10K, in exchange for 5% royalties of their company until it was paid back.

This group of 40 at risk youth gave a dynamite presentation to the Dragons, and asked for help to keep up with the demand for their organic home made salad dressings, made from their own garden grown vegetables.

They presented better than anyone else on the show that day, but Kevin O’Leary didn’t invest, reminding the kids that his sole interest is making money for himself. No ‘soul’ investment from him, but no ‘soul’ gratification either.

David Chilton told the youth that not all investment returns are measured in money coming back. Returns can be experienced in other ways, like the impact to a community. He offered to give the 10K, without receiving the 5% royalty, and offered to help the kids spread the story to other people across the country to help others emulate their success. Arlene Dickinson offered the exact same thing at Chilton, telling the kids that sometimes money comes back to the investors just knowing the good they’ve done. Bruce Croxon also matched the donation of 10K, saying with emotion, that he is going to make sure his kids who are the same age watch this show. He gave the important message that no matter what your age, get busy, create something to help others and the money will come. Jim Treliving owner of Boston Pizza loved their pitch and product so much that he gave 10K as well as promised to use the product in his restaurant chain.

A well polished pitch for 10K backed by lots of elbow grease and creativity harvested these youngsters over 40K, with no royalties payable, and a whole lot of ongoing support.

Now that’s what I’m talking about for Giving and Being Rich!!  You can see the benefits to the investors immediately as they become rich in soul.  Check it out http://www.cbc.ca/dragonsden/pitches/hope-blooms

Find out ways that YOU can Give and Be Rich in my new book, Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance.

You’re never too young, or too old to become richer than you ever thought possible.


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