Keynote Topic

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make When Conflict Surfaces

and How to Avoid Them


Current mental health surveys of 2022 indicate that conflict in the workplace is a major source of distress. If you’re a manager or supervisor, you don’t want to make these common mistakes when conflict surfaces. Managing conflict in the workplace takes skills that we weren’t taught in school or technical training. 


This program will outline the five most common mistakes leaders are making in the new workplace ‘sandbox’ and provide tools and strategies to avoid them and manage conflict as it arises.

Penny Tremblay, author of Sandbox Strategies for the NEW Workplace, [Rowman & Littlefield 2022] shares her expertise, stories, and current research of top trends for managing workplace conflict to help participants build productive, peaceful, and profitable relationships at work.


The high cost of workplace conflict, stress and employee turnover is avoidable, and your energy can be used for better things.


Suitable for Senior Managers and Leadership

Even the most talented leaders can’t lead without the commitment of those who follow. By using strategies of managing and resolving conflict, cultures can be transformed, teams reconnected, relationships redefined, and employees fulfilled for long-term commitment.

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