Keynote Topic

Sandbox Strategies for the NEW Workplace

Conflict Resolution from the Inside Out


The workplace landscape has shifted dramatically since COVID-19 struck. Nearly two-thirds of all employees now work from home–– which many corporate executives indicate is a shift that may be permanent. The $359 billion annual cost of corporate conflict has shifted along with it. In fact, that number pales in comparison to conflict costs post-pandemic, even despite remote working.


According to our post-pandemic original research, insecurity, conflicting values, and resistance to change are fueling the high stress of interpersonal relationships at work and beyond. Employees struggle with remote work arrangements, the health crisis, and the eroded trust while working in isolation. For these employees and managers alike, the conflict situation adds a whole new layer of complexity. A toolkit to “play nice” in this new workplace sandbox is essential for all involved as companies seek economic viability to rebuild their diminished workforce.

A playful system to help professionals embrace and even welcome conflict with coworkers, bosses, clients, and others.

The only program that turns conflict resolution inside out and makes it a work of play, these eight sandbox strategies are delivered with rich anecdotes, along with current, relevant analogies and fun examples. These “conflict” lessons are as creative and constructive as the childhood sandbox.

Understand the real cause of conflict, trends since the pandemic, and strategies to overcome the fear of conflict while learning to embrace it. Audience members will build their greatest castle individually, then together, in that order, because a castle built on quicksand won’t withstand the test of time.

Playing nice doesn’t always mean being nice! Finding one’s assertive voice, speaking up, and setting boundaries are resolution tools that are everyone’s right––yet highly underused. This new virtual, global sandbox presents a playing field that requires a different set of tools. Peaceful, productive, and profitable relationships are everyone’s responsibility.


When people understand conflict resolution from the inside out and have the tools to take responsibility for making relationships work, they stand up, speak up, and stop sweeping the sand under the carpet. They put effort into nurturing an inclusive culture, confronting challenges with difficult conversations, and sweeten the deal with tolerance, empathy, and forgiveness to help themselves and their teams win at work. Great teamwork is everyone’s responsibility, and profits can be used for better things.
People are hired for their technical skills but fired or overlooked for promotion due to a lack of ability to get along with people. When we improve our ability to build and maintain strong relationships, especially when the playing field gets tough, we are noticed, promoted, and invited to bigger opportunities.

Penny Tremblay, author of Sandbox Strategies for the NEW Workplace, [Rowman & Littlefield 2023] shares her expertise, stories, and current research of top trends for managing workplace conflict to help participants build productive, peaceful, and profitable relationships at work.


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(Leaders and supervisors managing front-line staff in-person or remotely, professionals wanting to gain that upcoming promotion or move up the corporate ladder, or business owners striving for productive and profitable partnerships and client relationships)

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