Keynote Topic

Collaborating in a Multi-Generational World

Sandbox Strategies for an Inclusive Workplace


With five generations in our current workplace sandbox, the space is fertile for conflict, stress, bias, and imbalance. Let’s excavate traditional and generation bias to leverage both the differences and similarities of all generations for more collaborative play.


Collaboration. The most peaceful, productive, and profitable workplaces embrace the diverse assets of all generations.  In this interactive workshop, participants learn to recognize, appreciate, and engage all generations to create a culture based on inclusion and collaboration.

Penny Tremblay, author of Sandbox Strategies for the NEW Workplace, [Rowman & Littlefield 2022] shares her red hot relevant and current research of top trends for collaborating in a multi-generational workplace, along with her strategies of building productive, peaceful and profitable relationships at work.



Suitable for Senior Managers and Leadership

Even the most talented leaders can’t lead without the commitment of those who follow. By using strategies of inclusion, cultures can be transformed, teams reconnected, relationships redefined, and employees fulfilled for long-term commitment.

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