Leadership tips

How To Define Success

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

One way to define success is by using the “Begin with the end in mind” technique, introduced as habit #2 by Stephen Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Imagine you are at your own funeral, and your eulogy is being given by four people who know you very well. One from your family, one from your community, one from your profession and one from your friends. What would you like to hear them say about you? Once you have determined this, you have defined success for yourself. Begin with the end in mind and live your life the way that you want to be remembered. Another technique to help you define success is to create an “I Want List”. Make time to write all that you want to Be, Do and Have. For example, I want to be a world renowned authority on communication and relationship building. Keep the list growing over time, read it often and believe that the items on the list are already happening. You read the list as affirmations in the present tense. Example: “I am honoured to be serving people all over the world as their authority on communication and relationship building.” Defining success is important, because if you want to get from where you are to where you want to be, you need a clear understanding of where you want to be.

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