Leadership tips

How To Be More Influential

How To Be More Influential

I realize in hindsight that throughout my career I’ve played within the range of business that matched my beliefs.

If an opportunity to work with highly paid executives or people of authority with big money came up, I’d avoid it with a reasonable excuse that I didn’t think I’d be a good fit. Since then, I’ve done a lot of self-cultivation, to reveal that I am a good fit.  I’ve realized that the financial status of my clients makes no difference in the capacity and expertise that I bring. My friendship is also of value regardless of the social or financial status of those I’m in a relationship with. 

Limiting beliefs in my past were tied to old stories, many of which I tell in greater detail in my new book Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace: Conflict Resolution from the Inside Out. I’ve learned to be more influential with myself first, and with my confidence, I can also influence others.

To be more influential, we need to do three foundational things:

  • Be very clear with what we want
  • Be willing to ask for it
  • Allow it (what we want) to land

Those three simple steps aren’t always easy, so I use my journal to write and reread what I want so that I stay focused on seeing glimpses (proof) in my outer environment of what I’m seeking.

Here’s a recent example. In December last year, I envisioned and journaled about moving to live on a lake that I really love in North Bay, Ontario. I envisioned the house, the view, the floor-to-ceiling windows, the transaction with the owners, and the price. I mentioned it to a few folks, including a realtor and some friends in the desired area.  Three months later, I stumbled onto a website and the first thing I saw was exactly what I was looking for.  I moved in this past September!

This is the view I have manifested, first in my mind, now in reality.

I take audiences through an “I want” activity that results in a long list of their personal desires. This playful game results in a take-home list that defines their direction and aligns their thinking so their actions can follow suit. I encourage them to share their list with folks they trust to help them.

Getting clear on what we want helps us get it faster because we take our subconscious ‘foot off the brakes’ including those nasty limiting beliefs and open ourselves up to allowing things to unfold.

Is there something that you’re anticipating in your life or career with your foot on the gas full throttle yet an unconscious foot on the brake?


Sandbox Strategies for the New Workplace by Penny Tremblay

Learn the strategies that will help your team resolve conflict in the NEW workplace.

  • Embrace, accept, and welcome conflicting values
  • Understand the importance of collaborative relationships for career advancement
  • Take responsibility to co-create a winning culture with productive and profitable results
  • Empathize with coworkers and even competitors to be the leader others WANT to follow

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