Healing of Mothers and Children

healing for moms and children

I’m sharing this personal experience to help in the healing of mothers and children, as we celebrate Mother’s Day.

Early this morning I sat in a deep meditation, inviting wisdom from spiritual sources; some who are alive and some that have passed.  In the center of my circle of wisdom keepers and seekers, a fire burned and the intention was set for healing, clarity and wisdom about being a Mom, and/or a daughter/son.

It was known that we can be called to duty because we’ve got gifts to give.  The Creator, God, has a divine plan for us, and the duties sometimes seem unfair, but we’re given tasks because of our capabilities to perform them best.

Sometimes as Mother’s, we need to make difficult choices to save ourselves that seem to interrupt the flow or the comfort of our children or families.  Being a Mom / child is just a part of who we are, and taking care of the other parts of who we are critical to our inner peace.  These choices can cause upset for our children or parents, they will grow through the struggles.  The bond of love between a mother and child is unbreakable at a soul level.  Our job as Mother’s is to love our children.  It is not their job to love us back.  It is their job to find their way amidst the obstacles of life, and we must allow them to explore.  There is a lot of time in the future to allow the bonds of love between parent and child to be fulfilling.

I was reminded that well beyond this lifetime, there are many other lives to live out, and we choose people long before we came into this life to live with and learn some of our toughest lessons, which strengthen us for this and future lives.

We have choices to make about the company we keep.  At times, those choices divide families, where alternatively, we could continue a life of stifling our own spirit, to maintain the connection.  Either way, there’s a cost.  The question is, what result do we seek, and are we willing to pay the appropriate price.

It was suggested to love our partners, for the relationship long outlives the term we are parents.  Children pass through our lives, partnerships are something we crave long-term, and shouldn’t be at the mercy of parenting.  There’s always a regret when we’ve lost a partner, that we could have invested more love, more time.

Although the search for true happiness and completion will never end, we must enjoy the journey while we continue to live curiously through each day, soaking up every moment with a sense of gratitude for what each moment brings.  This is possible and amplified with a Spiritual connection.  With a connection to our higher power that we truly believe in and nurture daily, we realize that life is far more than our role as mothers or children.  Spiritually connected and in tune, we know that the core of our being we are loved through all our imperfections, we are enough and that we are never ever alone.

Happy Mother’s Day!

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Penny Tremblay, Workplace Relationships Expert, helps build productive, peaceful, and profitable teams with The Sandbox System and conflict resolution strategies.

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