Leadership tips

Happy Father’s Day – Un-snag Your Conflict

Happy Father's Day Penny Tremblay in a boat on the water holding a large fish she caught

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s out there, 

Fishing and conflict have a lot in common because as we are trolling along in life, we get snagged.  It takes time and effort to get ‘un-snagged’, and that is symbolic to resolving conflict.  It’s those little snags that sometimes end up in big knots.  This video called Fish On was made to honour all men, including my father, and to promote the value of resolving conflict, not only on Father’s Day but every day!

Again, wishing all dads everywhere a Very Happy Father’s Day, 

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The photo above is a lake trout  caught while fishing with my friend John and two other couples from Pic River FN.  I must confess, there were no snags on the bottom that day because Lake Superior is a deep lake and we used downriggers with no issue. 

The photo below is a picture of me fishing with a friend a couple of years ago.  We had a few snags, untangled them as we went along and we caught Splake – a hybrid fish, cross-bred from a male brook trout and a female lake trout. 

Getting through conflict is like reeling in a fish.  It’s hard work, but the payoff is pride in knowing that you’ve landed a good result.  Can you see the pride on my face? 

I have many fond memories fishing, and helping other people untangle their snags in conflict.

PS. If I can be of service to you or help you resolve a conflict, I encourage you to schedule a complimentary discovery call.

Father's Day Penny on the water in a boat fishing holding a fish

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