Leadership tips

Grateful for Good People

the world is full of good people

You’d think a 2-hour layover between flights is safe, and it is, unless your first flight is delayed.  Yesterday I found myself with a very tight connection, because of a delay out of North Bay.  I landed in Toronto with only 25 minutes to move a long distance between gates, clear security and customs.

Two things worked in my favour. First, I asked for help. Second, they all said yes!

I asked the gate staff for tips, they said to ask along the way, and run! I asked a guy on my first flight, front row to switch seats with me because my seat was in the last row. He said sure! I had a quick exit!

I ran to my gate. I asked people to let me by if I needed to pass them. I was halted in a long line up at customs and was distraught because my second flight was already boarding.  There were about 50 people ahead of me, and one agent working.


I asked a woman, second in line if she’d mind if I cut in front.  She said, “Go ahead, I’ve been in your predicament.” The guy who was first turned to me and said, “You can go next Ms. I have time to spare.” I was very humbled.

Needless to say I made my connection, but it wasn’t a solo effort. There are such good people in the world. I aspire to keep on being one, and having regard for others and THEIR destinations as well as my own.

Looking back on my day, from my friends Rita and Steve convincing me not to drive my broken car, to my amazing neighbor Ellie, the service department at Hyundai, Paul and Herb for getting me to the airport in North Bay and taking care of my repairs while I’m gone, to all the airport strangers who helped, and Max, my young chauffeur…I wouldn’t be able to have made this treck to Rhode Island to celebrate Thanksgiving with my sweetheart and his family.  I feel so blessed and grateful that the world has such good people.


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