Leadership tips

Good Habits

Conflict in the Workplace COVID Survey

Give yourself the insight that you need to make and keep commitments by forming good habits. Make a list of all the good habits that will help you achieve your goals for this year, and then make a list of all the bad habits you need to leave behind. once you have your list, take action on one habit at a time. Even if it is something miniscule, such as getting out of bed at a specified time. Try it on for 30 days in a row. Not 27, miss a few then 28 days. 30 days in a row. If you miss, you start over, from 1. Here is how it works: Actions become easier with repetition. When an act becomes easy to perform, it is a pleasure to perform it, and when we are pleased to perform it, we have the desire to perform it often, thus creating a new and good habit. If you fall off the program, forgive yourself and get back on track. Don’t let one fall or one mistake stand in your way of success. Celebrate and focus on the days that you have performed the habit and not the days you missed. Try and try again. 30 days is all you’ll need to form a new habit bringing you closer to your goals with new habits that will pay respect to your commitments. Learn more

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