Leadership tips

Give and Be Rich for Engagement in Workplace Relationships

Penny Tremblay Workplace Relationships virtual training

Although the workplace landscape has shifted, workplace culture and relationships are still rooted in human connection and are more challenged than ever.  

Rich relationships in the workplace have trust, open communication, and honest feedback, all of which are challenged with a digital approach.  New obstacles to typical workplace conversations are plentiful. They must be scheduled, done virtually and many questions could potentially be left unanswered. Email and text based communication is good, but not best.  Giving more time to staff while we attempt to accomplish one virtual meeting after another all day long seems daunting, but the payoff is worth it.  Trust, transparency and team building will improve with more face-to-face or at least ear-to-ear conversations.

virtual training keynote for team with copy of book to improve workplace relationships

Developing rich relationships with your team can also be possible with virtual presentations delivered by a professional.  My offer comes with a gifted copy of Give and Be Rich – Tapping the Circle of Abundance for everyone attending. It’s impactful, powerful and meaningful. 


Suitable for all who work with people, this inspiring presentation helps the audience reach new potential, realizing that relationships are the most valuable asset for business. When we leverage the power of connection and relationships, we earn loyalty from our clients and work teams. 

Giving is where we become rich in self-worth, confidence, humility, respect, love, social grace and all of the currencies of life.  Her dynamic stage presence and message delivery is entertaining, interactive and memorable.  There is laughter and depth to inspire long lasting change in perspective, service, attitude and gratitude. 

Give and Be Rich in Workplace Relationships

  • Giving Simply to Give 
  • Being Open to Receive 
  • Giving to Yourself and Others for Strong Business Relationships 

Penny’s message is backed by her best-selling book, Give and Be Rich, which invites us to look deeper into our own authentic inventory, and find more within to give.  Giving is the new sexy. 

Book your virtual presentation today with Penny Tremblay!

Here is a previous Leadership Tip to Engage Employees in the NEW Workplace Sandbox

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