Leadership tips

Get More Now

Get More Now

How would you like to get more now.  More money? More time, more attention, a better job, a raise? Getting Is Very Easy… G.I.V.E. just give.

When we give, we feel better about ourselves. We receive the currency of giving. Money is one currency and there are many more. Like self-worth, confidence, security, relationships, respect, wisdom, prayer. We actually get what we give, because we tap the circle of abundance.

When I wrote “Give and Be Rich” the intention was to help people and find ways to make the world a better place.

I recently listened to Richard Branson speak to an audience. He told us to find a problem as big as we are and solve it. For the large corporation to solve a large problem and for a small business to find and solve a small problem. As individuals, we can perform random acts of kindness to change the world one person at a time, one day at a time.

One amazing resource is Unite For Good. www.U4G.com is the coolest platform to connect socially conscious entrepreneurs, and then connect Not For Profits with donors!

Anyone can do something great today. Visit U4G.com to create a profile. Each time you complete a random act of kindness, log it into your account and U4G will pay you in crystals that you can donate to the charity of your choice. Your crystals are turned into money and given to that charity.

What a fantastic way to do something nice and have it keep giving! Remember, in order to get, you have to G.I.V.E. Now you can G.I.V.E. with U4G.com

Not-For-Profits can register and be given funds, based on the popularity of their cause. If you are or know of a not-for-profit looking for funds, you’ll definitely want to recommend U4G.COM

So Get More Now! and remember your greatest leadership day is with Penny Tremblay.

rich relationships, leadership training


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